The Autism Risk With Stress And Pregnancy

>> Wednesday, December 31, 2014

By Katrina Kaleesy

Stress and pregnancy don't mix well. One of the concerns arising from this mix has been the risk of autism. Acknowledging this danger should not trigger a vicious cycle of stressing about stress. That counter-productive process can and needs to be counter-acted. Nonetheless, knowledge is essential for a safe pregnancy.

Pregnant woman and their partners are better served by awareness of recent research drawing connections between pregnancy stress and autism risks. It is essential though to not overreact and maintain a broader perspective on the evidence.

First, right now the evidence is derived from the study of mice. Mice studies have been an important contributor to understanding human disease. However, it would be a mistake to automatically assume that any finding among mice automatically and immediately translates into human experience.

The second consideration is being aware of the proportionality dilemma. There is no doubt valuable insight from pumping mice full of some toxin vastly out of proportion to its use by most humans. Predicting effects from actual human use, though, isn't likely one of them.

This is important to remember when we observe that the researchers characterize the stress imposed on the mice as mild. This term though reveals nothing precise about the stress level of the mice. Nor does it reveal whether such findings do (or don't) translate to human experience. The resulting knowledge gap should not be filled with baseless assumptions fueled by our worst fears.

Bearing in mind such qualifications, we can observe the significance of research findings to the effect that the placenta of pregnant mice transmits biochemical effects of stress to the fetus. The essential element involved appears to be an enzyme called OGT. The relevant research indicates that OGT is what's inhibited in the placenta of mice who are subjected to what researchers describe as mild stress.

As suggested above, it is here that we need to be cautious. This mouse stress was generated by means of exposing them to both unfamiliar noises and to the scent of foxes. It is though well known that scent reaction can be wired into the evolved neural structure through natural selection. How then is it valid to characterize exposure to existential threat of a natural predator as a mild stress?

In any event, despite this serious flaw in the presentation of the research findings, it does appear clear that at some level of stress, mice do experience significantly reduced OGT levels. These reductions trigger alternations of over 370 of the mice's brain genes.

These changed neurons are critical to neurological development, including regulation of energy use, protein development and nerve cell connections. It appears likely then that OGT helps protect the brain in pregnancy.

This discovery points to an important difference between boy and girl fetuses. Males have a naturally lower level of OGT. Thus, stress in pregnancy that is sufficient to reduce OGT will likely have a greater impact on boys. This might explain the higher frequency of autism and schizophrenia documented among males.

To repeat, this is valuable knowledge that expecting mothers and their partners should understand. As with all information, though, the correct response is not increased stress! Rather it is yet further reason to be proactive in reducing pregnancy stress. See our suggestions for solutions that work .

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Everything You Need To Know About Autism Spectrum Quotient

By Jack Morgan

Autism Spectrum Quotient is a questionnaire which was published in the year 2001. This questionnaire is commonly abbreviated as AQ. It was published by Simon Baron-Cohen and his colleagues. They published the questionnaire at autism research center which is based in United Kingdom at a place called Cambridge. It contains fifty questions which aim at establishing as to whether adults of average intelligence have got symptoms of autism.

Within the preliminary trials from the check, the standard rating inside the management group of people was 16.4, with males rating somewhat higher than girls (about seventen versus about fifteen). 80% of adults diagnosed with autism variety disorders scored 32 or more, compared with only 2% of the manage group.

The format of autism spectrum quotient test has usually 50 sets of statements that will allow the subject to answer either definitely agree, or slightly agree, or slightly disagree, or definitely disagree. There are five different types of questions that will test the communication skills, social skills, attention to detail, imagination, and switching attention (tolerance of change).

The test was first tried on students from Cambridge University plus a group of British Mathematical Olympiad winners who totaled to sixteen. The aim of this teat was to establish as to whether there was there was a link between the student's talent for scientific disciplines, mathematical disciplines and the traits which are associated with the autism spectrum.

Students that appear to have Asperger syndrome have average mathematical aptitude. Although some appears to be totally slow or worse in mathematics, but there are some also that gifted in mathematics. People with Asperger syndrome are likely to excel due their deep passion in their interest. For example, some adults with Asperger syndrome have accomplished in winning Nobel prizes.

The questions deal with five different internet domain names associated with the autism range: social skills; conversation skills; imagination; focus on detail; and interest switching/threshold of change. Element analysis of test results have been inconsistent, with various studies discovering two, three or four aspects instead of five. Recently, versions have been released for children and adolescents.

Before the subject reach of three years, autism is characterized by delays functioning of communication, social interaction, stereotyped behavior or repetitive activities. There are two developmental courses to follow. First course is a gradual onset and parents usually reported the issue on the first two years with having early signs of avoiding looking at faces, failure to show any interest or failure to respond when the name is called. The second course has a sign of regression or loss of skills in the first three years. However, there are individuals show improvements when they get older. The two favorable outcomes in autism are: communication before five years old and intellectual disability.

Autism spectrum quotient, Mathematics, physical sciences and architectural students were identified to score significantly higher, e.g., 21.8 generally for mathematicians and 21.4 for computer scientists. The typical score for the English Mathematical Olympiad winners was 24. Of your students who scored 32 or more on the test, eleven agreed to be interviewed and seven of these have been reported to meet the DSM-Intravenous criteria for Asperger syndrome, although no formal diagnosis was developed as they were not suffering any problems. The test have also been taken by a small grouping of subjects who had been told you have autism or Asperger syndrome by a professional, the average score being 35 and 38 for girls and males, respectively.

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Will My Autistic Child Do Well in School?

>> Sunday, October 6, 2013

By Charlotte Miller

You've just learned that your child has autism. In case you didn't know you are not alone 1 in 110 children have been diagnosed with autism. Now there are more resources than ever for parents of autistic children. One concern you may have is your child's education. How do the public schools handle children with autism, especially your child? What does this all mean if you are in the workforce? Do you need to become a stay at home parent?

The public school system must provide for and educate all children, including children with disabilities like autism. Know the key components to the public school special education system. The first and most important component is what's called an IEP, the Individualized Education Plan. This is a documented plan carved out by education specialist , educators and parents, to ensure the goals and needs of your child. This plan also creates a plan to measure your child's progress.

Wherever your child is placed within the school is determined by the IEP. There are instances where children with disabilities are placed in a regular class setting with a special education teacher who tends to your child's instructional needs as well as other children with disabilities. This is called mainstreaming. It may be necessary for your child's instruction to take place on a one on one basis with a special education teacher. Single classrooms specific to autistic children are also available in some school districts. Appropriate placements for your child are determined by the IEP, detailing your child's needs and the "best fit" in the classroom. Parents play a major role in in this procedure.

Yearly reevaluations keep IEP's updated and current to ensure your child's progress. IEP modifications are the norm. If contention and conflict stifle the process interventions by child advocates and or lawyers can move the process along .

Finally, what about your career? Do you continue working? Honestly, that depends on your child's specific needs. If you do work, you'll want to work during hours when your child is in school. It's also a good idea to have a relative or family friend, with whom your child is comfortable, available in case of emergency.

Raising an autistic child is common in today's society. Do some research, find resources and support groups, exchange ideas. Remember you're not alone.

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Exactly What Are The Indications Of Autism In Kids?

By Hillary Czarnecki

It's very essential that you understand the symptoms of autism in children if you believe you have a kid that could be suffering from this certain condition. You are going to want to obviously start paying close attention to your little one if you feel like this might be a chance, and then you're also going to want to bring it to the interest of your physician so that he or she might be able to supply several much-needed information on this matter.

There are undoubtedly going to be some common signs that will tell you regardless of whether your kids has autism or some thing very similar. The one issue with this condition is that it doesn't usually express by itself or affect a person in the exact same way which makes it a bit more difficult to diagnose. But there are some very common qualities that occur in all children with autism so you'll be able to identify those if autism is certainly something which your kids has. And if your child does not show these signs and symptoms then it it's a strong possibility that your child isn't coping with this specific condition.

One of the main things a child with autism won't do is smile. Autistic youngsters don't smile and they really don't laugh either. So if your kids doesn't smile or laugh then there is a powerful chance that autism is part of their life. In case you have a baby that is autistic he or she will not enjoy being hugged or snuggled. This is correct whether it's the parents who hold the youngster, or perhaps a brother or sister. And you will observe this since they really will not want plenty of attention.

The speech of an autistic child does not create normal also. Either the child will not speak at all or their speech will seem very unusual. Plus an autistic child doesn't actually have a strong body language that will communicate their feelings. But the most telling manifestation of an autistic child is that they enjoy playing alone. They really don't like to become involved in other youngsters or perhaps play in group routines.

These are definitely the signs and symptoms of autism in youngsters. If you notice some of these signs with your youngster then you should truly bring them up to the youngsters Medical doctor.

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Toys For Autistic Kids Should Be Carefully Considered

By Lance Zell

Parents who are looking for toys for autistic kids want to know what to look for as well as what to attempt to locate. Some toys are not created in America, and foreign corporations may not always follow the suggestions and standards in place for toys produced in the united states. Some foreign toys may contain chemical toxins like lead or mercury, or they may contain other toxic elements that can be hazardous if ingested.

In kids autism often have certain sensitivities that should be entirely avoided. Often certain toys may have an inadequate sense, look, smell, or other association that disturbs the kid and can change the toy into a nightmare. Silly Putty, goo, slime, crafts and arts kits, and other toys needs to be avoided unless the child has shown an attention. These types of toys often upset an autistic child instead of thrilling them and can cause the remaining day to go terribly.

Toys for autistic children needs to be age suitable but also ability and learning level suitable as well. If a kid refuses to speak then a card game that needs oral skills may cover the age of the child but not the necessary knowledge and abilities. Toys should be designed to entertain and teach the kid without requiring anything the kid is not ready to give.

Some toys may cause the child to become over stimulated or to cause a sensory overload in the kid. Children with autism can be very responsive to stimulation, and too much can result in a blast at the or other problem behaviors. The stimulation can come in the sort of words, colors, smells, visual designs, and other elements. Avoid toys that have the components that the child sees strenuous. Make sure that the child would be interested in the toy and want to play with it, even if the play is not executed in the way the toy was intended for.

Parents may devote hours on the internet or reading through books to choose the perfect toy for their autistic child. When this procedure is handled successfully the response of the kid makes it all worth it though.

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The Higher Rates Of Autism Kids Face Today Is Puzzling

>> Tuesday, September 24, 2013

By Lonnie Gatts

The higher rates of autism children face these days is puzzling to medical professionals and scientists. The rate of this ailment has gone up substantially within the last few years, and the cause in this increase hasn't been recognized yet. There are lots of theories that have been spoken or discussed but there is no concrete proof to prove some of these possibilities. Vaccinations, environmental pollution, difficulties from being pregnant, exposure to particular compounds, and many other feasible causes have been theorized.

The United States Government, many medical professionals, and the vaccine creators insist that vaccines which are given to kids are secure and do not cause autism. Lots of parents and a few doctors believe otherwise though, specifically in cases where the child was developing normally until a vaccine was presented and then autism symptoms were first noticed by the guardian and doctor.

Polluting the environment has also been blamed for the larger rates of autism children experience these days. Some researchers think that exposure to polluting the environment or other dangerous compounds causes the difficulties that are seen with autism. These substances include mercury from eating fish, pesticides that have applied for the food chain, additives and preservative chemicals that are normally added to food products, and other types of toxic compounds. The problem with this theory is that lots of children have been exposed to these substances in the womb and were not autistic.

Medical imaging tests don't usually reveal any brain damage or abnormal brain activity in autistic children. This has led a few professionals to consider that the problem may be with the neurotransmitters in the brain that are accountable for brain activity. This is also only a theory though, and studies have not been carried out to ascertain whether this theory is correct or just a false assumption.

There have been therapy breakthroughs that provide parents hope but there's still no cure in sight. It is possible that this condition will be unlocked by medical science sooner or later but until then therapy and treatment is vital.

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Help Is Available For Children with Autism

By Chloe Gib

When you consider autism Orange County and in other places, you see that the situation has improved in some ways. People are more tolerant of the behavior of the child and understand he is not simply acting out. Research has come a long way since the condition become prevalent. Therapies are being developed that show some success. Parents as well as the experts can use these techniques to help the child.

This condition that strikes within the first three years of life is formally known as autistic spectral disorder. The pervasive developmental condition infiltrates all aspects of the personality. Normal social skills and communicative abilities are significantly affected.

Although the child has normal sight and hearing, he does not respond to speech or even look another person in the eye when spoken to. He seems to be continually daydreaming or repeating unusual motions such as spinning his hands in the air. He is incapable of telling a parent or therapist what he is feeling or what toy he would like to play with, if any.

Researchers believe a chemical malfunction exists that is affecting the brain and is to blame for the condition. They think there is more than a single reason for the disorder. It has no relationship to geographical location since in the city of Los Angeles autism does not occur any more frequently than San Diego autism cases occur. The precise reasons for this happening is not known although better ways of dealing with it are.

One avenue that is being explored is genetics. There is correlation between neurological and chromosomal irregularities and autism. Researchers find that families of autistic children have more members with speech and language disorders as well. These factors seem to point towards a genetic component.

Also under suspicion as possible causes are diet, mercury poisoning, vaccine sensitivity and changes in the digestive tract. Some researchers say the body of the child cannot make use of vitamins and minerals in a functional way. Some parents are so in fear of vaccines being at fault that they refuse to vaccinate their children. This poses a health risk of a totally different nature and most health care practitioners consider it dangerous.

At one time, children with autism Orange County were considered untreatable and placed in institutions. Therapies available now allow them to function to the point of being able to live at home with family members. The degree to which they can co-exist in society correlates with both the severity of their case and the type of therapy that is administered.

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About This Blog

This blog will provide information to assist you in the treatment of autism. When a child or family member is suffering from autism, it's just right that you look for the best autism treatment. It will usually include special diets, autism-vaccine, metal detoxification, methyl B12, and nutritional interventions. The treatment will usually vary depending on the condition of the patient. Here are some of the common treatments prescribed by the professionals for autism

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